
how to change username in minecraft



You are going to be able to change your name in Minecraft in 1.6 along with other confirmed features.

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Level 14 : Journeyman Turtle


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06/18/2013 2:38 pm

Level 14 : Journeyman Turtle

McJJH avatar

06/18/2013 2:41 pm

Level 36 : Artisan Network

Charlizard avatar


This thread is as good as dead. Locked.

One time, after that, no more. you have to buy another account

06/04/2013 6:00 pm

Level 1 : New Explorer

Melodee avatar

I think we should be able to.
If done right people who are banned will stay banned.
Like you kinda still have your first username- like they keep track of it.. so you are still banned from servers..
If we could I'd just change it to my youtube name XD

I think if you get banned on a server changing your name won't unban you

06/04/2013 12:42 pm

Level 42 : Master Dolphin

JamieGre avatar

We don't need the ability to change our names! On most servers we have the ability to change our nicknames anyway so I don't see what all this fuss is about!

06/04/2013 4:13 am

Level 32 : Artisan Zombie

kittybone avatar

"Yes but first time is free, second and so on costs money."

I'm dying to change my Minecraft username, I'm so sick of this one! D:

that would be terrible. and it would ruin banning people on servers, their names would change and they could get back on again.

06/04/2013 3:44 am

Level 4 : Apprentice Miner

SuperAero avatar

I really don't like the idea,
1. Banned players issue (Even with the ID it will only effect NEW bans placed, not the old ones, my server has over 15,000 bans.)
2. No more unique names, everything will be taken
3. Everything serverside will have to be changed to the ID's, not only banning, but permissions, whitelist, graylist, and other plugins which use usernames.

06/04/2013 3:08 am

Level 4 : Apprentice Artist

Enghel avatar

I think that people should have a number designated to their mc account, so if they change their name, they're still banned from any server. I also think you should be able to change it only ONCE.

06/04/2013 2:58 am

Level 10 : Journeyman Architect

mj1999 avatar

it will completely ruin everything, because people you might of banned will be able to get on servers that they got banned on because the server doesn't recognize the name so it will let them on even if there previous name was banned. So i think this shouldn't be added.

06/04/2013 2:39 am

Level 1 : New Explorer

-Miku avatar

I love this idea, but I hated to see little kids like to impersonate famous people, also I noticed that a lot of people voted on the "Yes but first time is free, second and so on costs money." Wow, I would just prefer to pay username changing instead of "the first time is free" thing.

06/03/2013 9:48 pm

Level 63 : High Grandmaster Meme

Wooferscoots avatar

See but if its for a fee might as well just buy a new account.

Yea, it would be cool, but how would /ban work out on servers? would they have to ip-ban everyone?

Servers would suffer... ido agree

06/03/2013 8:21 pm

Level 16 : Journeyman Unicorn

minejoa_2002 avatar

maby it will be like worlze where you chang your name shown but login and name that will be ban will be the you made the account with but the chat and display name will show diffrent like if you have the defalt anme XxdisoxX you login with name and you change it on chat and name obove your player will XxdiscoxX
it will real help

Banning IPs does absolutely no good. -.-'

06/03/2013 8:11 pm

Level 23 : Expert Network

-Kali- avatar

True, if they hack, they just bypass likes it's nothing

06/03/2013 8:25 pm

Level 28 : Expert Scribe

_DioM_ avatar

All one needs to bypass an IP ban is a VPN client, no hacking necessary.

06/03/2013 8:28 pm

Level 23 : Expert Network

-Kali- avatar

*cough* *cough* You're not supposed to be giving them ideas how *cough* *cough*

06/03/2013 9:32 pm

Level 28 : Expert Scribe

_DioM_ avatar

*cough cough* You don't even need a client. You just have to reset your router/modem. turning it off for a bit will change your IP. *cough cough*

Banning IPs is just meant to scare the little nutheads who don't know a thing about computers. Always go with a name ban.

06/03/2013 9:35 pm

Level 28 : Expert Scribe

_DioM_ avatar

That too, however if one wants to troll by logging on over and over after being IP banned without having to take the time to reset their modem..

Aside from that, an IP ban is usually followed by a name ban. True, that means you'd need multiple accounts to log back on, but many people like so indeed have multiple accounts.

06/02/2013 12:08 am

Level 37 : Artisan Prince

Summertime avatar

it would be cool......
it will cause banning problems on servers tho

Yeah, like others are saying here, this would cause a problem with server banning n' stuff. HOWEVER, a way to prevent this is only being able to change your username a certain amount of times (Probably 2-3 times? People that gotta change their IGNs more then that need to make up their minds... )

06/01/2013 7:29 pm

Level 13 : Journeyman Artist

_Minestar_ avatar

People should think about what they want it to be carefully first. It would solve a problem or two but it would mess up servers. A lot. Like if I go on a server. And say it's Sci. Instead they'll say things [like say I'm PixelatedPixels] 'Hi Pixel.' It would be hard to remember who I am for some people. And then there's the banning things... That could possibly [i] become a bit of a problem. This is unlikely, but if a troll knew I changed to PixelatedPixel they could change to Sci_Fi31 and start to troll people on my server to make it think it was me annoying them.

I don't think this should happen because pepole would change then there freinds can not find this.

You know what? I think I agree with The Rusty Creeper, but I think it could mess servers up, too. I voted "Yes.", but I think they should add another feature called the "Multiplayer Server" accout . It will be like this:

Buy MInecraft (or get a gift code, cracked version [that's basically Demo with creative and save], whatever, etc.)

Make Minecraft Username. You can change this.

BUT, to go on ANY online multiplayer server, you must create another account that you CANNOT CHANGE.

This sounds pretty fair. This is ONLY A SUGGESION. If Notch decides to do this, please give me credit (suggested/proposed by "CreatorCMS" or "Creator".

P.S. mind you, you can change your Username in MinecraftSP as much as you like, and still go on "cracked demo-version)" servers. You can download that here.

If this gets implemented the whole server banning situation should be different. I think when a player gets banned by username it should convert to the username to a IP address. So it would log the IP and the username. So when a user gets unbanned by username the server would unban the username and IP address. But each username change should cost around 5 dollars. Everyone should show this to Jeb. As this could be a resolution to everyones problems.

06/01/2013 6:56 pm

Level 22 : Expert Crafter

Neptonic avatar

Everybody look at Steam's system, bans are fine. Ban people by their IP or by an ID they'll have; not their IGN.

Problem solved.

06/01/2013 6:52 pm

Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer

meharryp avatar

One word. F***. This will be such a pain with greif managenent on my server. I havr enough people greifing spawn areas with client hacks atm. Jeb should introduce a system like steamids, where if you are banned you are banned with a uniquie id but you cab change your name when you want.

06/01/2013 6:45 pm

Level 10 : Journeyman Narwhal

mrgdoesmc avatar

When is the update coming anyway? If it takes any longer the horses might run away

Why bump such an old thread..

05/25/2013 12:37 am

Level 4 : Apprentice Miner

techdude154 avatar

I heard that you will be linked to your mojang account, but you will be able to change your display name. I'm not too sure on this though

05/25/2013 12:08 am

Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer

sycoinc avatar

bad idea, coz ppl will get around their old accounts being banned on a server buy changing their name... so unless there is something to prevent this build into minecraft (as in only a visual change u can choose form when on a server but still login with your old name)

i see this as not wise

05/15/2013 6:32 pm

Level 27 : Expert Unicorn

Woogie avatar

this is something i indeed do not want

05/15/2013 6:30 pm

Level 50 : Grandmaster Button Pusher

Leeberator avatar

RoxthesoxYou should be able to change your display name, but have your account name remain the same so you can't simply dodge a banlist on a server.
what they could do is that it would be like the /nick command from essentials and if server owners wanted to ban you they could type in a command like /logname [IGN] and find out there real name

This is what I've been saying all along. It's a fantastic idea that will solve everyone's problems with this ASU.

05/15/2013 6:25 pm

Level 14 : Journeyman Turtle

McJJH avatar

Everyone here Tweet JEB/Mojang on this! Get them to add it!

Come on! More people click for free

05/15/2013 11:38 am

Level 23 : Expert Pokemon

Frostedcake avatar

Woot! i might change my user to Frostedcake.

05/15/2013 11:35 am

Level 4 : Apprentice Network

CyborgSquid_ avatar

what they could do is that it would be like the /nick command from essentials and if server owners wanted to ban you they could type in a command like /logname [IGN] and find out there real name

05/15/2013 11:28 am

Level 32 : Artisan Princess

SpongyBacon avatar

Each user will definitely need an id that identifies them, no matter their display username, which would make life a lot easier for servers

Well, as such it's not really 1.6, but the ASU, which is the Account System Update. But meh, I love this idea! Like gamertags on Xbox, it should be free the first time to change, but then it'll charge you to change it

05/15/2013 10:36 am

Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn

Team avatar

And also you guys are worrying about the server issues and all of the bad things to it. Mojang is not stupid. They know about the server ban and do you guys really think they will release it so you can never be banned? They have a plan to it so stop worrying.

M O J A N G I S N ' T S T U P I D !

05/15/2013 10:10 am

Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer

dsfdsfdsdsf avatar

Even if they make it where you can change it once for free, it can mess upalot of bans unless it's a Hardware ban/IP Ban :/

05/15/2013 10:03 am

Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn

Team avatar

Guys just face it. NO ONE likes updates, when facebook, PMC, minecraft, or anything updates everyone hates it but after they get used to it they love it. We might be saying its a bad idea but they are going to do it because after a while we will love that feature.

05/14/2013 10:03 pm

Level 1 : New Miner

abomb31 avatar

I cant belice i was the first to vote no this wont ruin severs but its a bad ida and now everyones voting for it

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how to change username in minecraft


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